2012. The year of Blue Ivy, Call Me Maybe, and The Avengers. The year
where I learned more about myself than any other year in my 25. The
year where I was knocked down and dragged through the mud, but got back
up and waved goodbye as 2013 whizzed into view. I can now look back at
last year and see the beauty that came out of it. I see it in first
married-couple kisses, little baby fingers and toes, looks of adoration
on the faces of men and women engaged to be married. I see it in
sunsets and flowers. I see it in the photos that I have been beyond
blessed to capture for people. I see it in everything my camera lens
touched. And I am so thankful.
So, without further ado, I give you the
best of 2012. <3
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for allowing me to capture your most precious and intimate moments. I will remember them always.
You are such an AWESOME photographer...and person!